Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Part 1

CORONA VIRUS, it is a hot global news at the moment. It is everywhere. Newspaper, TV, social media and every possible media outlets are flooded with corona virus news. The fear of virus have contributed in dwindling share market , resulting in melting global economy. Experts say that the world is heading towards recession. Deaths, infected, possible outbreaks, potential risks and this and that. Looks as if things are spiralling out of control. It is especially because of the media hype. Let us think, is it worth all the hype?

While I am writing this article, there are 1,815,87  confirmed cases out of which 78,957 recovered and are back to normal life as before the virus and there are 7,139 reported deaths. While the actual figures might be higher, these confirmed case reflect something significant, its spreading quite fast.

People are scared. Stockpiling for possible lockdown has cause shelves in supermarkets to go empty. The  'survival of the fittest" mode is on. People with weak immune system and the old people of age 70+ are losing the fight against the virus. Weak people are not even able to get daily required groceries from the market. Anyone experiencing casual fever or having a sore throat or even a runny nose are fearing of corona virus infection. Mental health of every individual is getting affected. Individual with perfect physical fitness are experiencing a fragile mental state.

So, let us get into the real issue. Should these news get this much of a hype? Are these hype creating more negative influence among people than preparedness and are all the news circulating around creating anything more than fear?

Fear is important as the fear pushes people to follow preventive measures against the virus. However, it is also creating a chaos. Its the duty of the leaders to assure its public of safety. If they are unable to do it then it means that they fail to do their part as a leader. Controlling panic ultimately results in smooth functioning government and a sound economy.

The growing social media influence have been affecting people and their lifestyle. Fake news should be suppressed and those contributing in spread of these news should face some kind of penalty which will help in demotivating the spread.

It is us who are spreading the virus and its us who can stop this spread. So, let us work together to control this spread.

COVID-19 shall be defeated.

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