Wednesday, June 3, 2020

What will THEY think!

“What will they think?” Have you ever asked this question to yourself? 

If yes then welcome to the team, we have something in common.

Even if its a "No", welcome, its important to understand it for you as well.


“What will they think?” is a significant question if you are constantly asking yourself while you do things that other will eventually see or analyse. It’s also a question which makes people like me step back while trying to change.  Change in a sense like " coming out of comfort zone, speaking up, being noticed, changing clothing style, thinking different and so on". But asking this question time and again makes the question more powerful obstacle for your step towards change if you are not able to answer them yourself. It has that ability to develop fear for those who do not get right motivation and direction. Eventually a short and simple question becomes complex and a factor in life that holds back creativity, expression and emotion of a person.


Well, if the question is self damaging,

Should I avoid asking it to myself?

The answer is “No”. While writing this piece of opinion, I realised that if I stop asking this question to myself, it means I am avoiding something that gives answer and directs me to be a better person. To put it more concisely and clearly, thinking about my action and its consequence on others is always important. Undoubtedly, no matter what you do, people are going to have their own opinion on your action, while at times, opinion matters. In those situations, positive opinions should be taken as motivation and the negative opinions should be taken as lesson if needed.


Now putting things into perspective, questing oneself for actions that you do for is correct. I do it all the time. Even after something has happened, I question myself if I did right thing. If things are reversible, I change my decision to go for a change of action. But sometimes, I regret. I regret for stepping back. When I think deeply, it feels like I am holding up my true self. Just assuming what other will think, I get scared to reveal my actual beliefs. In contrast to that, asking same question makes me realise that I am making mistakes. Maybe the state of mind also determines what is good and what is not at situations but actively seeking answers for questions within yourself is necessary. It helps to build a positive environment within which you can satisfy yourself.


After all, its important to understand that having feelings and letting the feelings take over yourself means restraining yourself to command yourself. You cannot reach a destination until you start to move. If we have command on self, opinion of others should not restrict on having a life we desire. Positive motivation is always carrying you forward. 

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