Friday, January 3, 2020

I’ll say the truth

I’ll say the truth
On your face
This is not a game
This is not a race

The time we spent 
Day and night
Cuddling each other 
Hugging tight

The truth hurts me
The truth brakes me
Sometimes night go sleepless
It shakes me
It’s easy to be said 
It’s hard to be done 
When I came back for you 
You were gone 
The trust we had 
All promises we made
I never had a feeling 
One day it’ll fade
Miles apart
Closer by heart 
That’s what I believed
You’ve shattered that 

My walls have crumbled
I’m shattered now,
How could you do this
Just tell me how?
I cared for you
I shared for you
For those precious gifts
I dared for you
I took you for trips,
Dedicated my time 
I gave you my heart 
Was it a crime? 

After all,
You’ve made this decision 
To be apart,
It’s tough for me
Not just hard
You’ve made your call
Now it’s my turn
I’ll decide to walk 
Or to run
Please don’t block me 
Give me the way
I want to be far
Away and away
Beyond the horizon
Place never to see
I’ll be sobbing there
Where you’ll never be 
To go there I’ll end it all
End it here
Once and for all
I hope you’ll forget 
I hope you’ll never miss
Please wish me one thing 
Rest In Peace 
Rest In Peace

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