Friday, May 29, 2020

Starting a new BUSINESS?

Business in simple terms means an operation where people work together to make and sell product or service. The business can earn profit for the product or service that it provides or produces. There are many types of business that you might want to start. If you want to start on your own, you can start a sole trader or you can partner with other person to start a business. It can be manufacturing or merchandising business or anything of  your concept. There are wide range of things you can do but what signals that you are ready to start?

For a starter its a challenge and get themselves bombarded with questions like what business should I start?, how should I start? But here is a guide. Your business stands on your idea. Everyone has their own way of thinking and your idea might sound outstanding but before moving ahead, market research is really important. Asking yourself these questions to start a business is must: Is my business idea viable? Is there any competition in the market? What kind of business structure should I adopt? Do I know what I am getting into? Am I ready to handle situations?

After you choose what business you are about to start, you need to see if you are ready. Know your market, the consumers you are serving and the location you are about to start your business. If you are starting it online, make sure you have a plan to attract traffic to your business. If you are planning to invest heavily at the start, its important to make sure that people(target market) know what is going to come to their plate. It is like securing your investment as when you start to give off products, consumers are prepared to for its consumption. Throwing something by surprise to your consumer doesn't always prove to be successful and as a starter, being on the safe side is the best idea. 

When you are certain about idea, location and consumers a proper business structure is necessary. It can be sole trader, Partnership or other business type according to your initial investment. Having a business structure, it will be easy to develop a business plan. Set a goal and establish objectives for your business. Having those helps you to develop business tactics and strategies that will ultimately help to fulfil business objectives and achieve the business goal. After all these processes, register your business and research on legal requirements according for your business. Record keeping and accounting should be managed and finally insure the business.

Business can be short term or long term. You might want to build an empire out of your business and make it your life or you can reach a certain point, sell you business and move on. It depends on the business structure you choose, how easy or difficult these process can be. A successful business faces challenges, have endurance and is always prepared. To be able to start a new business you need to be ready rather than walking into the dark tunnel without knowing where it will lead you. 

Caste System, Quota and Nepal 

It is an undeniable fact that influenced by Hindu caste system, Nepal has a complex social structure of different class of people which in past gave power to certain influential group only. There are four principle castes: Brahmin, Chhetri, Baise and Sudra. Sudra, the caste that was also considered the "untouchable" class in the time in past is still facing hard time in rural part of Nepal after so much of change. Different rules and regulations are established by the government to ensure the discrimination doesn't happen like before and the people who lagged behind in social context uplift their lifestyle. To ensure the lower class people gain economic stability and establish better social status, Nepal government ensures reservations "Quotas" in different civil service posts, Police, Army and other various institutions. In addition there are laws and many non-governmental organisation that are there to protect the underprivileged group. 

Caste system is a deep rooted problem in Nepalese society. After the constitution of Nepal 2015 was drafted,  there are various laws that discourages discrimination, encourages participation for minority groups and secures various other essential rights. However, lack of government effort to flow correct information around and the old mentality of society of unequal treatment of people have turned to be a bigger challenge. Illiteracy, ineffective local governing bodies and influence of certain "high" class people causes the people of so called lower class to face problems. Various incidents relating caste discrimination surfaces in media platforms time and again showing ineffectiveness of government in controlling these issues. Contradicting to that, small incidents that involve people of such caste but actually have nothing to do with discrimination gets highly politicised, pushing back societal reforms and establishing a firm identity of the caste system.

As an initiative to uplift social status of the people, certain percent of civil service posts are allocated to minorities which is also known as " Reservation Quotas".  In Nepal, 45% of all civil service posts are allocated for inclusive ( Reservation) and other 55% is allocated for open competition. 45% of the reservation quotas is converted into 100 percent and distributed according to given reservation clusters.Within that, 9% of post are allocated for "Dalit", people who are considered "untouchable". As educated people like us can distinct that it is a myth that passed-on in the society that these people should not be touched and later on it became a norm. It has been a challenge to make old generation people aware that such things should not exists and at some level, those who are the victims are not able to accept the change themselves. 

In contrast to positive efforts, the constitution of 2015 and the government have established various institutions like "dalit aayog" and "dalit uthan kendra", that always will identify the underprivileged as minority group "Dalit". It is like reminding the community of their real status though they get various support. If  Nepal government really want minorities uplift their life style, get ahead in society, the main thing needed is literacy. Its old norms and values that are holding the society back in accepting everyone to be equal. Reservation works only when the system is fair but in a corrupt government like of Nepal, reservation  gets exploited. Countable people and educated society might help the community to uplift their status but when it comes to getting social benefit, people in power will use it as a weapon to gather a mass around them. It is taken as a political advantage and a means to gather vote.
 No matter how much aware we have been, how far ahead we have come or how much we try, its those minorities who decides their fate. EDUCATION is MUST.

Monday, May 25, 2020

शक्तिको नशा हो

बुढो शरीर , उठेर आएँ 

थचक्कै बसायो,

निर्धक्क छाती फुलाई आएथेँ,
यि आँखा रसायो ।

के भयो दैव , यस्तो मुर्तिलाई?
कसले हो फसायो?

छोरो हो मेरोमुटुको टुक्रो 
के ठुलो दशा यो? 

निर्दोष व्यक्तिहत्कडीमा देख्दा ,
न्यायले हँसायो ।

धन , कानुन सबै आफ्नै बनाए 
शक्तिको नशा यो !

धन , कानुन आफ्नै बनाए यहाँ ,

न्याय नै मेटाए,
कस्तो लत लग्यो यो समाजलाई 
शक्तिको नशा यो 
शक्तिको नशा हो ।

Thursday, May 21, 2020

COVID-19 and Nepal

Nepal had a big plan in 2020. The stage was set, the performers were ready, arrangements were being made and the audiences had started getting invitation to attend the programme. Honourable Minister of Culture, Tourism and civil aviation, Yogesh Bhattarai was already preparing for the opening speech, in-fact he already had delivered some pre programme preparation. Disaster stroke. A virus, that started to spread in Wuhan in China, according the sources,  crippled the viability of the programme and later it got cancelled. All the efforts that was made for "VISIT NEPAL 2020" had officially been unproductive due to an unforeseen and unprecedented situation of COVID-19.

The first reported case of COVID-19 in Nepal was on 15th of February, in a student who returned from china. As per the sources, now on 21st of may, there are 453 cases of COVID-19 in Nepal out of which 49 have recovered. The government of Nepal imposed lockdown on the 24th of March restricting any kind of unnecessary movements within country and stopped international travel. At that time there were only 2 cases of coronavirus in Nepal. Though the lockdown had been imposed, thousands of people who had employment in India returned home, they brought corona virus with them. Even Indian nationals who had travelled to Nepal before lockdown had been infected by COVID-19 and are also  considered as possible sources for community transmission. The rate of infection is increasing and the number of death because of the virus also have started rising. Currently there are 3 people reported deaths because of the virus but if the health system is not upgraded, the death and infected number of people is likely to rise. Nepal still is in a lockdown situation.

The communist government is criticised for its ineffectiveness in making lockdown realistic. Though receiving thousands of virus testing kits, the government have not been able to effectively increase testing ratio in high alert areas. Low testing ratio and longer lockdown is severely affecting mental state of every individual and the economy but the government seem unconcerned to the fact.  Longer lockdown is emptying everyones pock and especially lower class people who need to work everyday to eat are severely affected. The government have not shown effective measures to tackle the situation while leaders of communist party are flaunting on effectiveness of the relief they are giving to the public. The goal has been made clear that the government will not let anyone die of hunger and will not let anyone suffer but where they have failed as a state is that no realistic objective and tactics are put in place. Small and medium scale business are considered as a backbone of an economy but the government have not presented any plans to support them. The government has failed at many places but a silver lining is that it is still not too late. The virus crisis is bringing in thousands of migrant workforce home and it is an opportunity to make a use of that workforce. The lockdown is being extended and may even get extended further but its the responsibility of the state to ensure that when the virus will pass, plans are put in place for a safe landing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Beginner : Photography

Following Photography

People spend their time in different ways. Some like to dance, sing, engage in sports, some start gaming , go fishing, read books and many more activities around to get engaged.

Photography is one, among all those activities. It can be a hobby, a passion or  profession. Photography is an art, its an art of story telling. Like a story having different genre, photography also have its own type.

Here, I am giving my opinion on photography. For me, photography is a hobby. When i'm free and I see something fascinating, I take my camera out and start capturing moments.

Being amateur photographer and sometimes capturing magnificent image gives chills. Thats the best part of photography I adore.

Best photographers need to build patience. If you want to capture a perfect moment, you need to wait for the time and so being alert is important as well.
Colour composition and lighting setting affect image quality and so it also needs to be taken care of.
I clicked these photos last month when I was staying at home during coronavirus lockdown. Though the images are not perfect, this greatly satisfies me.

I used my iPhone to capture these images  and after i saw the results, it really proved that the camera is worth the price I paid for the phone.

If you are looking something to photograph, the best idea is to look around yourself. Find something creative, maybe a pen or a small statue you have at home. It not always important that you get photograph of new things, animals or some event. Maybe something in your vicinity is waiting for you and your camera.

Yes, there are rules in photography. There are certain techniques that enhances the quality of your image. But for me, creativity comes first before rules. I am not a perfect photographer, I might never be able to do that but to stand out of the crowd you need to make your own rules. Basic understanding and basic rules are important, I agree but when you start engaging,  you'll learn more from your own experiences more than the explanations of others.

If you have camera then start capturing photos. You never know that the photo you capture might one day motivate you to be a professional photographer.

चुन्यो तिम्लाई यो मुटुले

चुन्यो तिम्लाई यो मुटुलेएउटै कक्षा पढ्दाखेरी
छुट्यो साथ जिन्दगीमा हामी अघि बढ्दाखेरी

के सोचेको के भयो खैदुबै माथी पुग्नु थियो
धक्का दियौ झारीदियौ सँगै भर्यांग चढ्दाखेरी

पुग्यौ माथी खुशी छु मुर्ती मात्र भएको छु 
दैबले नै थापे हात , भर्यांग बाट लढ्दाखेरी

सम्झन्छौ के सम्झन्थ्यौसम्झनालाई जलाएथ्यौ
डढेको थ्यो मेरो शरीरमेरा तस्बिर डढ्दाखेरी

  बोली थ्यो भेटघाटमुख हेर्ने फुर्सत पाईनौ,
फुल लिएर किन आयौै चिहानमा सढ्दाखेरी

Monday, May 11, 2020


Part 3


When I was writing my last article on 7th April, 2020, around 1.5 million people around the world were infected by the corona virus and now after 35 days the total number of confirmed cases has increased by 280%. There are now 4.2 million people infected by the virus and almost 2,87,000 people have died due to it. Along with bringing health consequences, the virus have also brought serious political, economical and humanitarian situation affecting people world wide.

Humans are not new or relatively oldest species on earth. Before humans there might have been million types of living organisms on earth. Virus are also considered to be the oldest lifelike form and it has been proven that they have been on earth for a long time before humans. With this outbreak, it has been clear that no matter how advanced human become or how intelligent we think of ourselves, we are vulnerable to small (microscopic) nonliving (still a point of scientific discussion) beings. It clearly reflects that how advanced we become, we are still vulnerable. Though we think we are in control, nature will certainly rule us out over time. The recent corona virus crisis is a perfect example to that.

Whether it is a mind game, a game of manipulation or a game to take advantage of situation, politicians have started to centre coronavirus for politics. Donald Trump, the president of United States, have been constantly pointing fingers at china for mishandling coronavirus, bringing deliberate economic crisis to countries like USA and using Virus as a tool to establish a solo economic dominance around the world since late February. Though he was constantly praising china for containing virus and taking absolute measures to ensure safety of the people as virus appeared in Wuhan, the table turned when cases began to appear inside USA. Other countries are also disagreeing with china and its policy of not letting independent research on the origin of Corona Virus and the supply of unworthy medical equipments to different countries from Chinese companies. China on the other hand have banned companies that are not government approved to export medical supplies and denying investigation reasoning that they can investigate the matter themselves. Another reasoning that sources from outside claim that China will deny independent investigation fearing that many secret of its system might get exposed and in the name of the independent research, foreign spies and intelligence will infiltrate the Chinese system. It is a clash of big nations and an example of regional conflict for economic and political dominance.

On the other hand, coronavirus is uses as a facade to initiate other political move. India has inaugurated a road network connecting border with china and the LOC, that runs through the disputed region of India and Nepal. Few months back India claimed the land and included it in its political map and how has inaugurated a road network while Nepal is in lockdown and the nepalese government is focused in corona control and the leading political party is having internal dispute. In USA, international media have been constantly publishing dispute between state government and the federal government regarding peoples safety and reopening of the economy.While the central government in India is urging railway to reopen, which has been shut down for last two months, the regional governments are opposing the move fearing virus spread. COVID-19 is rapidly spreading in India. The virus is crippling economy as the countries are in some sort of lockdown for far too long and dwindling economy is seen as a government failure. To SAVE their face and in the name of reopening economy some governments are playing with the health of its citizens.

At this rate and looking at the trend, COVID-19 is not showing any signs of slowing down. Its the responsibility of government for the safety of the people because they are there for that purpose. Economy definitely will get a hit but health is more important than economy. Politics should be fair.

The Flower

There is this flower in my lawn it buds, it blooms, it is an attraction, where the bee looms... ther...