Friday, January 3, 2020

I’ll say the truth

I’ll say the truth
On your face
This is not a game
This is not a race

The time we spent 
Day and night
Cuddling each other 
Hugging tight

The truth hurts me
The truth brakes me
Sometimes night go sleepless
It shakes me
It’s easy to be said 
It’s hard to be done 
When I came back for you 
You were gone 
The trust we had 
All promises we made
I never had a feeling 
One day it’ll fade
Miles apart
Closer by heart 
That’s what I believed
You’ve shattered that 

My walls have crumbled
I’m shattered now,
How could you do this
Just tell me how?
I cared for you
I shared for you
For those precious gifts
I dared for you
I took you for trips,
Dedicated my time 
I gave you my heart 
Was it a crime? 

After all,
You’ve made this decision 
To be apart,
It’s tough for me
Not just hard
You’ve made your call
Now it’s my turn
I’ll decide to walk 
Or to run
Please don’t block me 
Give me the way
I want to be far
Away and away
Beyond the horizon
Place never to see
I’ll be sobbing there
Where you’ll never be 
To go there I’ll end it all
End it here
Once and for all
I hope you’ll forget 
I hope you’ll never miss
Please wish me one thing 
Rest In Peace 
Rest In Peace

Monday, February 25, 2019

यस्तो रहेछ

जमानामा गाँउमा बाटो पुगेथ्यो 
आज मोटर गुडेछ
दाउराको धुवाँ उकुस मुकुस 
त्यसमाथी अझै धुलो उडेछ
बिजुलीको पोल भयो बिरानो,
जोडिने तार कुरी बसेछ,
विकास शुन्य, प्रगति जिरो
भन्छन यसपाली बजेट खसेछ।
पानी कुवामा सुकी गएथ्यो,
धारामा थोपा पानी झरेछ,
अरे यार सबको गफ धेरै भयो,
खै कस्ले के ठोस गरेछ?
गाउँलेको सपना साकार हुने कहिले,
आश गरेछन् सारा कुरिरहेछ,
काम गर्नुपर्ने भुस्तिघ्रेहरु,
कुर्सीमा निदाएछ, घुरिरहेछ,
कुर्सीमा निदाएछ, घुरिरहेछ.. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Perception : the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
Its a view by which you look at things, observe your surrounding. It is manipulative,meaning anybody can twist your perception for their own good. It is not easy to live a meaningful life  and its not even hard. If you know how your surrounding works then you are totally safe. This might confuse you but be aware that I too might be playing with your perception. 

Somebody tells you something bad and you may not find it bad at all because you think differently. A good action to other person can be completely bad from your view. There is no total agreement in everybody's thinking. If everybody agrees in same thing then why do we need discussion at all? why do we separate good and bad? if we are satisfied today, why do we need tomorrow?

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Human in mars

The race for space settlement is not a new news and a topic of interest these days. Countries and their space agencies are constantly pushing themselves in the space race.
A rocket to mars or or a spaceship to mars is not new thing as NASA has already sent space vehicles for inspection of mars atmosphere and country like India have already sent space vehiclevć to orbit mars.

At present scenario, the test of heavy rocket engine by a privately owned space agency, SPACE X, has been a global hot topic. Space X recently sent a Tesla cart into space with its new heavy load rocket launcher, having twice the payload capacity of present space launching vehicles available a in the world. ‘Tesla car is now headed towards mars’ is what the CEO of Tesla company ‘Elon musk’ says.

The successful test is a milestone in space travel, and probably settlement outside earth. Experts argue that the resent test may make it easier for space agencies to work for building communities outside the home planet, earth, and its up to scientists and researchers to find right place for human settlement. ‘Mars’ planet that may  have the potential to support life will be unveiled within few decades and the recent test of the falcon heavy rocket might be crucial for the find.
Hopefully, life supporting environment will be found soon and we will have some planet to call second home in the near future.


जट्टाधारी, गाँजा तान्ने
विष धारी शिव तिमी,
त्रिनेत्र तिमी , गंगा छ शिरमा,
हेर्छै सब जिव तिमी।

पशुपति, त्रिलोकीनाथ
कैलाशका पिता तिमी,
जिव जन्तुको रक्षा गर्ने
प्रक्रितिको दाता तिमी।

खरानीको भेष तिम्रो
नागको छ तिम्रो माला,
चन्द्रमा तिम्रो जटामा हुन्छ
शरिरमा चाहीँ बाघको छाला ।

आजको यो रात तिम्रो,
तिम्रै नाम जपिन्छ आज
बल्छ, जाग्छ धुनी तिम्रो
भगाउन जाडो आज साँझ ।

धतुरो, गोट्टी प्रसादी आदी
हुन्छ आज तिम्रो नाममा
बैँस, व्रिद्द भेला हुन्छन्
खान्छन , ख्वाउँछन् धेरै ठाउँमा ।

लड्डु, हलुवा मिसाई भांग
आजको रात हर्ष उमंग,
कुर्छन् हरेकले शिवरात्रि
प्रसादी खाई पर्न दंग
लठ्ठ हुन, पर्न दंग।।

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Disappointments in 2018

Things that will disappoint us in 2018

1. There will be no GAME OF THRONES
2. There will not be a complete solar eclipse visible from land.
3. There is no space exploration programme in 2018.
4. Trump will make more people turn on him.
5. Increasing value of electronic currency will crash.

Drive through in technology

Self driving truck

With rapid development of robotics in automobile industry, including self driving cars and racing cars, the world is now looking forward to self-driving trucks. It may not look like a big deal since self-driving vehicles are already  tested on road, however, trucks are more complex to handle and care on road.

Soon we'll be able to experience a huge truck, carrying tons of load alongside us on the road and without a visible human driver. Multiple companies are testing self driving trucks on road and are prepared to commercially produce the vehicle within next five years.

Among various companies, Tesla, the company able to build world's largest battery in south Australia within 100 days are onto this job. Elon Musk, head of Tesla, is confident that his self-driving truck will enter the market very soon and will perform no less than any human driven vehicles on the road. Tesla's vehicle is also announced to be road friendly, environment friendly and economy friendly though being rich in technology and advancement.

The Flower

There is this flower in my lawn it buds, it blooms, it is an attraction, where the bee looms... ther...