Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Part 2

Well, Well, Well

What a roller coaster ride we are having in the world at the moment. The last article I wrote about COVID-19 was on 17th of March and at the time, the number of total cases was around 200,000 and the death was around 7,500. Time has changed. The virus has spread rapidly around the world. Almost a third of the world is under some kind of lockdown. Almost 1.5 million people are infected and around 81 thousand people are dead because of the virus.

The virus started in Wuhan in China and now it has its presence in almost all countries in the world. Wuhan was considered as the epicentre at the beginning (January-late February), however the cases have almost stopped increasing. The total cases in the place of origin is already overshadowed by cases in USA and many European countries. Epicentre of virus is considered as the place having clustered cases and spreading it further in the region and even further. The epicentre of virus has also been jumping form one region to the other. From Wuhan in china, the epicentre shifted to Italy. The virus is spreading real fast in there at the moment. At the same time, New York is the epicentre of virus spread in the USA. The virus has created a harsh situation in NY with almost a third of total cases in USA with most deaths and still growing infection rate.

The impact of corona virus have already started to be seen on economy, mental health and animals that are human dependent. Animals are stated getting starved and are basically roaming for food around streets, snatching food from humans and even attacking humans in different cities in the world which are in lockdown. Economy is definitely getting impacted as sector like aviation, hospitality, retail and tourism industry have already lost huge amount in revenue and million of people are relieved from their work.

Another important thing everyone should be concerned about is fake news, conspiracy theories and racism. With maximum people staying at home, people have a lot of time to think so its is not
surprising that conspiracy theories come out. There is one shocking theory going in Uk. People are burning down 5G tower in a belief that it spreads corona virus. The theory is that the corona virus started in Wuhan, china and the 5G also started initially from wuhan, china. People are connecting these dots, relating corona virus and 5G, and destroying 5G infrastructures in UK. There are many racist behaviour relating asian nationals as the carriers and the main reason for the virus. In addition to that, social media have made it easy for fake news to spread around the world. Social medias have brought us closer but it also has brought these negativity like easy spread of fake news. This is a big issue and is of a huge concern.

To sum up, pandemic like this corona virus are hard to predict. However, we can be prepared. For the moment, lets practice social distancing, stay home and stay safe as much as we can until and unless we have important works to do.

We are yet to see how the situation is going to unfold as a lot of things surrounding this virus is going on.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Part 1

CORONA VIRUS, it is a hot global news at the moment. It is everywhere. Newspaper, TV, social media and every possible media outlets are flooded with corona virus news. The fear of virus have contributed in dwindling share market , resulting in melting global economy. Experts say that the world is heading towards recession. Deaths, infected, possible outbreaks, potential risks and this and that. Looks as if things are spiralling out of control. It is especially because of the media hype. Let us think, is it worth all the hype?

While I am writing this article, there are 1,815,87  confirmed cases out of which 78,957 recovered and are back to normal life as before the virus and there are 7,139 reported deaths. While the actual figures might be higher, these confirmed case reflect something significant, its spreading quite fast.

People are scared. Stockpiling for possible lockdown has cause shelves in supermarkets to go empty. The  'survival of the fittest" mode is on. People with weak immune system and the old people of age 70+ are losing the fight against the virus. Weak people are not even able to get daily required groceries from the market. Anyone experiencing casual fever or having a sore throat or even a runny nose are fearing of corona virus infection. Mental health of every individual is getting affected. Individual with perfect physical fitness are experiencing a fragile mental state.

So, let us get into the real issue. Should these news get this much of a hype? Are these hype creating more negative influence among people than preparedness and are all the news circulating around creating anything more than fear?

Fear is important as the fear pushes people to follow preventive measures against the virus. However, it is also creating a chaos. Its the duty of the leaders to assure its public of safety. If they are unable to do it then it means that they fail to do their part as a leader. Controlling panic ultimately results in smooth functioning government and a sound economy.

The growing social media influence have been affecting people and their lifestyle. Fake news should be suppressed and those contributing in spread of these news should face some kind of penalty which will help in demotivating the spread.

It is us who are spreading the virus and its us who can stop this spread. So, let us work together to control this spread.

COVID-19 shall be defeated.

Monday, March 2, 2020



I had not noticed that my father was already back from work. I was in my room, on the floor, doing homework. It was maths and maths made me hungry. Leaving pencil and copy on the floor, I ran into the kitchen.

Our kitchen was small. On a corner of the kitchen there was the water filter where sometimes my dad kept fruits. The basket there was empty, seemed like he had not brought fruits in weeks. On my left was the dining table where things like water bottles, glass and some daily medications were kept. My father had some regular medications.  At its side there was the gas cylinder which was connected with a gas burner. It was on a slab and under it were drawers and where ready to eat items like biscuits, chips and more things were stored. In desperation I pulled all drawers and checked all the spaces where we kept food. Alas, there was nothing to eat. My desire to eat was only growing.

Since there was nothing at home at that moment, I wanted to go out and buy something. But at that time, I did not have any money. The only time when I used to have a big amount was during Dashain. I still remember, in Dashain that year, I had a total sum of 150 rupees. All money used to go into the piggybank. I could get some money from the piggybank, but it was on top of my fathers’ wardrobe. Getting the money out was not a trouble but reaching it, Was. The wardrobe was really tall, taller than me and taller than me standing on a chair.

I was trying to stretch myself to reach the top of the wardrobe where my piggy bank was.
I tried increasing my height by putting a stool on the chair where I was standing before.  My piggybank had a small opening on its back and from there I could pull out some money using a compass. It was not the first time I was doing this, so I was confident in doing it again. But for that I had to have a hold on the piggybank.

At that moment, I was almost standing on my toe and my upper body was stretched at its fullest. The tip of my finger could feel the smooth ceramic of the piggybank and I was trying hard to get a grip of it. My hands were already sweaty, and drips of sweat had already started tickling my face.

What are you doing?  A bold voice behind my back said.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Attraction is inevitable. One way or the other, every man tumbles for a girl and I too was no exception.
It was during my school days, years back. The teen age craze for love and the rage of being with a girl had been hovering over my head. 
 It took me months just to spark a conversation on Facebook. My friend request on Facebook had been accepted within a few hours but messaging a simple hi was like typing nuclear codes for a nuclear attack. I gathered all the courage and messaged her one day, however that didn’t hit the target. Since then, messages started to be seen but were stuck in the chat box, without a reply. I wasn’t able to control my fingers on the keyboard while she seemed to be too resilient, holding off her fingers running over the keyboard. I wanted to know what she felt while I messaged as she never ignored to see my messages. The desperation and eagerness was huge on social media but while I used to see her in school, there was nothing, there was nothing like I was sending her tons of messages.
  Miracle, out of nowhere she replied to one of my messages. After that, replies started being casual. One the other side there was me, being in the same school, having no guts just to bid a simple hi to her. Smile was far, I could barely stand in her sight, I used to run away and she did the same. The conversation were limited to Facebook. If you ask me, the struggle to bring those conversation to reality was real. Those smilies, cries, angriness and other emotions were strictly virtual. In reality, there was nothing, we were strangers. 

Maybe we would have been a good couple and maybe we could have had a strong bonding. We shared everything on Facebook for two years but not outside facebook. 
Living in Kathmandu was already hard for me. Alone at home, dad being abroad and mom being posted in different army camps across country, I was always alone. During those times, she had been my real companion, the one who cared wether I was sleeping, eating and taking good care of my health. We shared every updates we had during the day, how our classes went and how good our day was. We were couples but that was all virtual. We shared numbers, house location and everything but we never saw each other outside facebook. I never had that courage to ask and she never made that space for me to ask. Maybe my approach is going wrong, that used to be my thought at those times. My fear driven mind was always afraid that she may stop talking to me if I said anything stupid or did anything unusual.

Nothing is constant. Life has its own pace and changes which are certainly unavoidable. Due to circumstances I had to travel for my studies and she too was forced to do the same. Now we were apart by country and  time zones. The Facebook distance was same, no matter where we were but gradually the frequency of our conversation decreased. The vast differences of our timezone played a negative role in our virtual relation.
“Action speaks louder than the words, MY…”
A single photo  and that single caption of her with a boy shattered my glass of hope. 

Friday, January 3, 2020

I’ll say the truth

I’ll say the truth
On your face
This is not a game
This is not a race

The time we spent 
Day and night
Cuddling each other 
Hugging tight

The truth hurts me
The truth brakes me
Sometimes night go sleepless
It shakes me
It’s easy to be said 
It’s hard to be done 
When I came back for you 
You were gone 
The trust we had 
All promises we made
I never had a feeling 
One day it’ll fade
Miles apart
Closer by heart 
That’s what I believed
You’ve shattered that 

My walls have crumbled
I’m shattered now,
How could you do this
Just tell me how?
I cared for you
I shared for you
For those precious gifts
I dared for you
I took you for trips,
Dedicated my time 
I gave you my heart 
Was it a crime? 

After all,
You’ve made this decision 
To be apart,
It’s tough for me
Not just hard
You’ve made your call
Now it’s my turn
I’ll decide to walk 
Or to run
Please don’t block me 
Give me the way
I want to be far
Away and away
Beyond the horizon
Place never to see
I’ll be sobbing there
Where you’ll never be 
To go there I’ll end it all
End it here
Once and for all
I hope you’ll forget 
I hope you’ll never miss
Please wish me one thing 
Rest In Peace 
Rest In Peace

Monday, February 25, 2019

यस्तो रहेछ

जमानामा गाँउमा बाटो पुगेथ्यो 
आज मोटर गुडेछ
दाउराको धुवाँ उकुस मुकुस 
त्यसमाथी अझै धुलो उडेछ
बिजुलीको पोल भयो बिरानो,
जोडिने तार कुरी बसेछ,
विकास शुन्य, प्रगति जिरो
भन्छन यसपाली बजेट खसेछ।
पानी कुवामा सुकी गएथ्यो,
धारामा थोपा पानी झरेछ,
अरे यार सबको गफ धेरै भयो,
खै कस्ले के ठोस गरेछ?
गाउँलेको सपना साकार हुने कहिले,
आश गरेछन् सारा कुरिरहेछ,
काम गर्नुपर्ने भुस्तिघ्रेहरु,
कुर्सीमा निदाएछ, घुरिरहेछ,
कुर्सीमा निदाएछ, घुरिरहेछ.. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Perception : the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
Its a view by which you look at things, observe your surrounding. It is manipulative,meaning anybody can twist your perception for their own good. It is not easy to live a meaningful life  and its not even hard. If you know how your surrounding works then you are totally safe. This might confuse you but be aware that I too might be playing with your perception. 

Somebody tells you something bad and you may not find it bad at all because you think differently. A good action to other person can be completely bad from your view. There is no total agreement in everybody's thinking. If everybody agrees in same thing then why do we need discussion at all? why do we separate good and bad? if we are satisfied today, why do we need tomorrow?

The Flower

There is this flower in my lawn it buds, it blooms, it is an attraction, where the bee looms... ther...