Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Do hashtag trends really work?

To understand hashtag trends, let's understand hashtags first. Hashtag is usually introduced by the number sign or a hash symbol (#), is a type of metadata used in social media platforms like facebook, instagram, twitter and other media services. It is a user generated tagging that helps to find messages with specific theme or content easily. Its the users who creates and use hashtag by placing a hash symbol in front of a word or a phrase which is written without a space.Same hashtag is used by someone else to share views on the topic. There have been a practice of using hashtags to bring people for discussion under same topic, issue and get it in attention of the people to whom it is targeted for. 

Hashtag trends have recently picked up in Nepal too. With more people locked up in home and cannot move freely outside due to ongoing pandemic, social media platforms have been the main show ground for protests, raising concerns and voices. Whether to support someone, to speak agains someone or to ask for justice, hashtags are widely used these days. 

Understanding whether the hashtag works or not can be a topic of debate but it certainly puts a pressure on the government or the targeted body to take action. With the world shifting to online, it cannot be ignored that there are people on the internet who care about what happens around them. For a situation like we are facing these days because of COVID, it should be taken more seriously as hashtags are the most safest and convenient way of raising voice and concerns.  

For a developing country like nepal, hashtags trends seem to be less significant but it should be the government willing understand the seriousness and to embrace the changing society. Hashtags have made easier for people living abroad to support on the cause happening in their home country. people being more busy with work and life, no one should be forced to come to street to raise concerns.  It should be heard before matters get serious. Demonstration on streets may be comparatively powerful but hashtag trends shows people care and raise voices without being on streets. They care about the things that are affecting the society. These trends may not cause a lot of damage to attract attention, but it is the concerned authority that need to remain alert. 

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