Sunday, August 23, 2020

Personality and Social media

Like our fingerprints, our personality is also unique. Though one can argue that we can deduce someone’s personality by observing behaviour which can be true to some extent. However, there hasn’t been any technology developed or any research been done to understand a human as a whole. Since we can fake behaviour, even unknowingly, an in-depth personality cannot be deduced by observing behaviour pattern. There are much more things going inside a human brain which are significantly important and are difficult to be mapped.


Social media and internet are elements of revolution of this century. The access to information and the connection we have been able to achieve are astonishing. With this revolution, we have dragged some negative behaviours along with it and these behaviours are certain to be a social media culture of future if no actions are taken today. We see these actions of sharing news, views and ideas as a granted elements on internet but it’s clear that we are not able to understand the seriousness of these actions.


How can sharing news and views be bad? If you see as a whole, well it’s a good action and maybe finding a bad consequence is not that easy. However, if we look deep into it, this small act can be a bad culture for future. An example can be, A person shares a post about a dog getting beaten by a person, badly injuring the dog and with a caption stating “humans are cruel. Let’s fight for cruelty “.  It is a good message that is being passed on but wait, has the action of person sharing the post have changed? No. The person sharing the post throws water on dogs on the middle of night for barking in front of his home in the middle of winter. The same person throws away his leftover when the dog outside roams the community to find food for its puppies. The man doesn’t care if the stray dog population in his community is increasing and actually he hasn’t ever thought about dogs this much, but he is not heisting to share human cruelty on the poor animal. Well the post is heartbreaking, which is understandable but are you changing the attitude of yourself towards these things. It is not just about animal cruelty, there are a lot of things where we show our soft part but, have we realised that the social media culture may be making us a hypocrite?



So, where does this personality things come into play? It is right there every time. We are sensitive to lot of things that happen around. In fact, if you scroll thought your Facebook newsfeed all day you will find thousands of things you get embarrassed about and thousands of things that you will be happy about. It depends on your sensitive personality that you might even share a few things in your timeline. This is what needs to be focused on. There are people who give opinions and just aren’t the part of your life and there are people who are genuine in giving constructive feedback on your action. Whatsoever you are the person who make primary decision for yourself. This article can raise a question within you but its again up to you to decide what the best for you is. Writing posts, sharing ideas are not bad, but the significance content matters. It is equally important to ensure that the quality of the things you share aligns with your values.


It is us who make things worse and its us who make things better as well. News, views and ideas are to be shared if they are worth sharing but sharing is not enough. Sharing something doesn’t just mean you have done your part, its you who too needs to take some action on your level. It’s you, your personality that needs to show changes and that can be in your own way. Fake personality will not work all the time and definitely you will be in a loss in the long run.

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